Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Algebra: Puzzle

To understanding the use of representation in real-life context

Project 1: (Concrete Representation)
Find the value of each of the three objects presented in the puzzle. The numbers given represent the sum of the objects in each row or column. Sometimes, only one object will appear in a row or column, That makes the puzzle easier to solve. Also identify relationships among the given objects.

Please click here for link.

Your Task

Create a 3x3 puzzle that applies the same concept and post your puzzle on-line.

Task 2: (Cryptography)
In the algebraic problem, replace the same characters by the same numerals so that the mathematical operations are correct or hold true.
Please click here and try some of the problems.

This branch of Mathematics is known as Crytography and is used in Coding.
For further information please click here for link.

Your Task
Create a similar algebraic problem and post it on-line. Your message must creatively include or embed the word SST. eg. hiSSTory

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